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legal person 法人。

legal remedy

Be qualified as a legal person 取得法人資格

Is the finance of the company controlled need not be controlled by legal person 公司的財政支配可以不由法人控制嗎?

Thinking on the betterment of legal person assortment system in private schools 關于完善民辦學校法人分類制度的思考

Thinking of perfecting the administration structure of company legal person 獨立董事在公司法人治理結構中的功效分析

The third chapter is “ punishment and legislation of legal person crime “ 第三章法人犯罪刑事責任的實現及其立法。

Section iii official organ , institution and social organization as legal person 第三節機關事業單位和社會團體法人

Legal persons shall be represented by their legal representatives in the litigation 法人由其法定代表人進行訴訟。

On ultra vires act of enterprise as legal person and that of legal representative 論企業法人越權與法定代表人越權

Section 3 official organ , institution and social organization as legal persons 第三節機關事業單位和社會團體法人

Positivism versus fiction theories - essence of legal person and corporate capacity fiction 法人本質與法人格否定

Establishing problems and countermeasures for governing structure of legal person 建立法人治理結構的問題與對策

The analysis of property right of enterprise legal person which is not real right 企業法人財產權之非物權性透析

Legal person share mainland china 法人股中國內地

On realization and safeguard of legal person status at public university 論我國公立大學法人地位的實現與保障

Problem of administration composition of china ' s company legal person and solution 對公司法人治理結構的思考

On personality denial of legal person 論法人人格否認

The civil capacity of a legal person 論法人的民事能力

On quot; disregard of legal persons ' personality quot; of the new corporation law 中法人人格否認制度的思考

The legal person ' s personality and legal standardization of one - member company 一人公司的法人格與法律規制